Our Team Back Row: Antony Ryans, Shaun Walker, Tim Taylor, Bill Holtz, Caryl PresnellFront Row: Dustin Devore, Tes Baltazar, Tanya McCaully, Melissa Covington Our Team- Compsys The full-service composite company with cutting edge products and technology to take your innovative idea to reality Tanya McCaully VP of Operations tmccaully@preforms.com Mike Canfield VP of Technical Support Mcanfield@preforms.com Tes Baltazar Senior Engineer Tbaltazar@preforms.com Dustin Devore Fabrication Manager ddevore@preforms.com Shaun Walker Safety Manager swalker@preforms.com Antony Ryans Production Manager aryans@preforms.com Caryl Presnell Office Manager/ HR Cpresnell@preforms.com Melissa Covington Senior Bookeeper Mcovington@preforms.com Tim Taylor Facilities Manager ttaylor@preforms.com Bill Hotlz Materials Manager bholtz@preforms.com Share this:FacebookX